
MySkinSelfie is owned by Newcastle Hospitals NHS Trust. The system is maintained under contract by Komodo digital.

MySkinSelfie has been configured to support Android 5 and above and iOS 11 and above. The app will not work correctly with older software versions.

The app will work better on more modern phones with faster processing. Also, when older phones are updated to the more recent software updates they do not always run as smoothly as you expect.

Many of the functions of MySkinSelfie depend on interactions with the cloud so the app will work best on wifi or with a good 4G or 5G connection.

All data is encrypted by 256 bit encryption , on the phone, during data transfer and when stored in the coud. As with most data stoarge the weak point will be your password so keep it safe and hard to guess.

Software never stands still. MySkinSelfie interacts with and depends on various bits of software. Regular updates to all of these systems occur and app maintenance is done regularly to keep everything working correctly. If you are having any problems with the app please let us know and we will help you to get back on track.

We are able to offer advice but we have found that many problems are due to phone issues or user errors which we are unable to help with. If the app is working normally but you are having local problems then on some occasions users need to find other ways to share their skin images with their clinic.

Current issues

There are currently no reported problems with the service

Resolved issues

MySkinSelfie does not store any image data within your camera roll and therefore keeps it competely private within the app. The software to deliver this involves complex interactions with the camera. There have been one or two reports of delayed camera initilialisation. We are investigating which phones are involved. The issue appears to be with taking a first photo after reloading the app. If the photo does not register, use the back button at the top left and repeat the photo. This resolves the problem. We will have a fix in place very soon. Resolved Dec 2019